Neurodynamics, LLC

Neurodynamics, LLC

What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback, also known as "Brain Bio-Feedback," is a non-invasive, personal training for your brain to enable it to function more effectively, and rise toward peak performance. Neurofeedback protocols patterns are unfrozen. The brain dysfunction, or "dysregulation." Old, stuck patterns are unfrozen. The brain retrains itself to function in a healthy, optimal way.
What Conditions does Neurofeedback Address?
Anything linked to brain regulation can be improved with neurofeedback. Examples of areas in which function have been improved are:
Addiction • ADHD • Anxiety • Autism • Cognitive Function • Concussions • Depression • Learning Disorders • Memory • Migraines • Pain • Peak Performance • PMS • PTSD • Sleep
How Long are Neurofeedback Sessions?
Neurofeedback sessions can vary in duration, depending on the type of protocol used. Initial visits can range from an hour to 2-1/2 hours. Generally, sessions will last between 30 minutes and an hour.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
Each individual is different and comes with different needs and expectations. Depending on the protocol we use, we recommend between 10 and 20 sessions after which we will do an assessment to determine a future course of treatment.
What Is the Research Supporting Neurofeedback?
There are numerous published papers and ongoing studies on the efficacy of neurofeedback. Studies have focused on multitudes of areas ranging from PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury to ADHD to Memory to Schizophrenia and many more.
Do Neurofeedback Training Effects Last?
When dealing with areas of brain dysregulation, the answer is usually yes. Occasionally, a particular stressor may trigger some old symptoms, in which case a “booster” may be helpful. Ongoing insults to the brain, such as Dementia, Parkinson’s and continued abuse, will require long-term treatment to slow down the progression of these diseases.
What Is the Success Rate?
Neurofeedback has a high success rate. We utilize various systems and protocols to obtain the best outcome for our clients. One protocol finds that 85% of clients see positive change within the first three sessions. Another has improvement rates approaching 90%. Neurofeedback is an incredibly powerful tool and is helpful in the vast majority of cases.
Frequently Asked Questions About NeuroFeedback